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Conflict is a necessary aspect of organizational life. Its presence at the workplace infuses innovation and creative mindset in people through diversity of constructive opinions and criticisms. Although some theories support its encouragement while others condemns it. Given today’s new business order which promote and advocates collective participation in decision making, the need for constructive conflict becomes even more than necessary. It was in regard that this study theoretically reviewed the contributory influence of conflict management strategies as a precursor for enthronement of industrial harmony in contemporary workplaces with emphasis on universities in Kenya. The study reviewed extant literature on the meaning and nature of all the study variables of study and discovered that no organization irrespective of the kind of business or industry they are in can progress effectively without giving room for constructive conflict to thrive while managing the destructive aspects using appropriate strategies such as compromise, collaboration and accommodation where necessary. Therefore we concluded when an organization promotes constructive conflict, it fosters innovation and creativity through diversity of opinions. On the other hand, when dysfunctional conflict is properly managed, it promotes industrial harmony among the members of the organization and also serves as bedrock of a successful entrepreneurial venture. Finally, we recommend that: that Management of tertiary institutions should try as much as possible to discourage destructive conflict while promoting constructive conflict. That in the event of any conflict situation, management should be responsive enough to arrest it objectively with appropriate strategies such as compromise, collaboration and accommodation to avoid turning the organization to a breeding ground for various deviant workplace behavior like sabotage, strike and alienations as result of disharmony.

Key word:  Conflict, theories, management, strategies, industrial harmony

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