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Despite strategic management, County governments are still facing challenges, including; resource allocation project completion and county fund mismanagement, common in County governments. This raises concerns over the effectiveness of strategy implementation in County governments. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of strategy implementation on performance outcomes in County governments in Kenya. The analysis intends to utilize a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Target population comprised of 8 county governments in North Rift. The target respondents included 844 county government employees including county secretary, county council member, director, and deputy director. Stratified random sampling was used to choose a sample size of 271, inclusive. Self-administered questionnaires were used to gather primary data. Statistics, both descriptive and inferential, was used in the analysis. The data analysis for the study was done using the social sciences statistical tool. The research concluded that strategy implementation has a major role in performance of organizations.

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Author Biographies

CHRISTINE AMUJAL TATOI, PhD Candidate, Strategic Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, Strategic Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

PETER KIHARA, PhD, Professor, Strategic Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Professor, Strategic Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

STEPHEN MAORE, PhD, Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya


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