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In the context of intensifying efforts to enhance performance of supply chains, and the timely introduction of products and technologies within competitive markets, organizations and their supply chains have often overlooked the quality risks associated with new product development, particularly concerning design and engineering. This oversight is starkly illustrated by the recent widespread and detrimental product recalls across the automotive, food, pharmaceutical, and smartphone manufacturing sectors, which have brought the issues of product and process quality, as well as associated risks, to the forefront. Additionally, the alarming rise of counterfeit and contraband products in Kenyan supply chains and globally has reached a critical level of concern. Consequently, this study sought to identify and evaluate various quality risks present in the supply chains in Kenya. Utilizing systematic literature survey, the study provided comprehensive overview of supply chain quality risks, the risk perspectives, strategies for risk mitigation, and challenges to management of supply chain quality. The study concluded that supply chains must employ proactive mechanisms for quality determination and anticipation in order to enhance resilience.

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Author Biography

VINCENT OOKO OCHIENG, PhD, Lecturer at South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya

Lecturer at South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya


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