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This study determined the effect of the Triple Constraints—time, scope, and cost—on the implementation of road construction projects in Kigali, Rwanda. The specific objectives include examining the impact of time constraints, establishing the influence of scope constraints, and analyzing the effects of cost constraints on these projects. A descriptive survey research design was utilized, allowing for the exploration of the relationships between these constraints and project implementation. The target population comprises 334 individuals representing diverse stakeholders involved in Kigali's infrastructure projects. A sample size of 183 was determined using Yamane's formula, employing stratified random sampling techniques to ensure representation across different categories. Data collection incorporated both primary and secondary sources; primary data was gathered through questionnaires, while secondary data included published literature from books and journals relevant to the study's focus. A pilot study involving 19 employees from Horizon Construction Company, representing 10% of the sample size, was conducted to validate the research instruments. Expert opinions were sought to establish the validity of the survey tools, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to assess internal consistency. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 25, applying both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Descriptive statistics summarized the data using percentages, frequencies, and counts, while inferential statistics, including multiple regression analysis, was employed to explore relationships and predictions among the variables. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis, with findings presented in a narrative format supplemented by direct quotations. This comprehensive approach aims to provide insights into the implications of Triple Constraints on the successful implementation of road construction projects in Kigali. The results indicate that the constant term is 0.045, suggesting a baseline level of project implementation when all predictors are zero, but this is not statistically significant (t = 0.316, p = 0.752). Among the independent variables, time constraints (B = 0.217, t = 3.806, p < 0.001) demonstrate a positive and statistically significant effect, indicating that as time constraints increase, the implementation of road projects also improves. Scope constraints show the most substantial positive influence (B = 0.575, t = 8.918, p < 0.001), suggesting that a well-defined scope significantly enhances project implementation effectiveness. Lastly, cost constraints (B = 0.197, t = 3.284, p = 0.001) also have a positive impact, though less pronounced than scope constraints. The standardized coefficients (Beta) reveal that scope constraints have the strongest effect (β = 0.514), followed by time constraints (β = 0.242) and cost constraints (β = 0.222), indicating the relative importance of these constraints in the implementation of road construction projects. In conclusion, the findings highlight the significant role of scope, time, and cost constraints in the successful implementation of road construction projects, with scope constraints emerging as the most critical factor. It is recommended that project managers prioritize clear project scopes and allocate adequate time resources to mitigate delays and enhance overall project effectiveness. For future studies, it would be beneficial to explore additional factors influencing project implementation, such as stakeholder engagement and technological advancements, as well as conducting longitudinal research to assess the long-term impacts of these constraints over time.

Article Details

Author Biographies

ZINGIRO YANNICK, Postgraduate Student, Master of Science in Project Management – University of Kigali - Kigali, Rwanda

Postgraduate Student, Master of Science in Project Management – University of Kigali - Kigali, Rwanda

RONALD KWENA, PhD, Senior Lecturer - University of Kigali - Kigali, Rwanda

Senior Lecturer - University of Kigali - Kigali, Rwanda


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