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A large number of road safety policies has been formulated and attempted to be implemented in Kenya to try and reduce road fatality and injury but still the high rates of traffic morbidities appear to be on the raise in Nyanza region. Due to the concerns the study of analyzing how politics streams affect implementation of road safety policy measures in Nyanza region in Kenya implementation was conducted to look for solutions. The study was backed with Multiple Streams Framework and Punctuated Equilibrium Model. The research used a descriptive survey and explanatory design with pragmatic research philosophy point of view while embracing mixed research approaches. The study utilized census, simple random sampling, and stratified random sampling, purposive sampling, and systematic random sampling techniques in drawing a representative sample. The sample size of the study was 347 of target population. The study interviewed 6 traffic base commanders, 2 county Matatu Owners’ Association and 2 NTSA county directors. The study also employed both participatory and non-participatory observation to collect supplementary data. The reliability of the study instrument was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, while the validity was assessed using factor analysis and expert opinion. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Quantitative data was examined by means of simple regression approaches. Based on the derivatives from the objectives, theme analysis was used to assess qualitative data. The study then presented quantitative data using tables and figures, while qualitative data was reported in continuous prose. The findings established that the problem Streams Framework influenced the implementation of motorway safety policy measures among matatu operators to a moderate extent. The study showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the problem Streams Framework and implementation of road safety policies. The study establishes that the government agencies need to digitalize data on road accidents and recommends a collaborative approach between government agencies responsible for the implementation of road safety policy measures. This study concluded that problem Streams affects the implementation of road safety policy measures, and so there is need for all policy actors to take into account all streams whenever they intend to initiate the enactment of road safety measures.

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Author Biographies

WILSON MUNA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, School of Law Arts and Social Sciences

JANE NJOROGE, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, School of Law Arts and Social Sciences


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