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Purpose – The primary purpose of this paper was to identify the antecedent of active membership and performance outcomes of empowering leadership in sports for development organizations. The study also examined the mediating role of empowering leadership between active membership and performance outcomes.

Design/Methodology/Approach – The research assumed a cross-sectional research design. Data was collected from a total population of 2993 youth/members drawn from three sports development organizations in Kenya. The authors conducted a series of confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) to verify the validity of the constructs and adopted IBM SPSS AMOS Version 23 to test the hypotheses.

Findings - The authors found that active membership is an important antecedent of empowering leadership and can enhance performance outcomes. Besides, empowering leadership plays a significant mediating role between active membership and performance outcomes.

Conclusion / Recommendation - This study concluded that active membership has a positive and significant influence on performance outcomes among youth in sports for development organizations in Kenya. Empowering leadership mediates between active membership and performance outcomes in sports for development organizations in Kenya. The study recommended that leaders should organize activities and ensure regular participation for the youth in the sports for development organization.

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Author Biographies

SCOTT BELLOWS, PhD, United States International University Africa (USIU), Kenya


TRUPHENA ODUOL, PhD, Pan Africa Christian University [PACU], Kenya



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