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This paper presents findings from a larger study that investigated factors related to  teachers transfer in public secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following research question: What are the  factors related to teachers transfer in public secondary schools in Kajiado County? The research applied Herzberg’s theory of motivation. The study adopted a convergent research design with a mixed-method approach with a parallel database variant. The target population comprised of 6 sub-counties, 95 public secondary schools, 1615 TSC teachers in secondary schools, 95 principals of secondary schools, and 6 TSC sub-county education officials. The sampling techniques used were probability and non-probability to obtain a sample size of 29 schools, 320 teachers, 9 principals, and 3 TSC officials. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, a semi-structured interview guide, and a document analysis guide. Validity of quantitative instruments was ascertained through content and face validity, while reliability was determined by use of Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the teachers’ questionnaire was 0.706. Trustworthiness of qualitative research was determined through credibility and dependability where prolonged engagement, triangulation, and member checking were applied. Quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS version 26, and descriptive statistics comprising of means, standard deviations, and percentages were obtained. Testing of study hypotheses was determined using the Pearson Moment correlation coefficient. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically and presented in the form of narratives and direct quotes. Data were merged at the interpretation stage. Ethical considerations were taken into account before and during the research process. Key findings indicated that teachers transfer in Kajiado County is caused by students’ indiscipline, lack of involvement in school decision-making, poor housing and location of the school, lack of social amenities, lack of teaching-learning resources, career growth, and lack of supportive environment, family ties, and poor school performance. The study concluded that teacher transfer in public secondary schools is caused by pull and push factors within Kajiado County. The study recommended TSC, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, the Kajiado County government, and school principals’ to put measures within their respective jurisdictions to address the teachers transfer for effective teaching and learning in schools. The findings can be used by the stakeholders to take necessary measures and strengthen the existing policies on teacher transfers to minimize the transfers in schools.

Article Details

Author Biographies

JANIS KAIMURI MARANGU, Postgraduate Student, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Postgraduate Student, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

JACINTA ADHIAMBO, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

ANNE KANGA, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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