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Organizations rely on strategic adaptation and structural alignment to have a competitive advantage over others. Firms in sugar industry in western Kenya have been performing poorly irrespective of support from the government of Kenya supporting them with resources. The management of any current organizations strives to involve process innovation practices with an essence of improving on performance. Most of the studies have been done on strategic adaptation with little on structural alignment and performance of sugar industry. Since structural alignment is a vital element of strategic adaptation, it is necessary for the variable to be regressed with the performance of an organization. The study's objective was to examine structural alignment’s effect on the performance of sugar companies in Western Kenya. The study applied dynamic capabilities theory, resource-based theory and capability-based theory. This study employed descriptive survey design. The targeted population was based on six sugar companies in Western Kenya. The study applied purposive sampling Technique. The Questionnaire was used as an instrument of primary data collection. The study applied Descriptive statistics to determine the mean, standard deviations and frequencies of the data under study. Inferential statistics was applied to determine the correlation within the variables. The descriptive and inferential statistics were analyzed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The regression model was determined and analyzed by use of similar software (SPSS). The overall results provided statistical evidence of a positive correlation of structural alignment practices and performance of the sugar companies in Western Kenya. In terms of impact, structural alignment had significant effect on performance of sugar companies. It was recommended that Sugar companies in Western Kenya need to enhance, foster and vary their dynamic capabilities with respect to structural alignment since it leads to the improvement of performance. The study recommended for further research on the variables using other methods and companies of other sectors.
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