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Revenue systems automation entails investing in modern technologies such as ameliorating the revenue systems and investing in new technologies for integration and information sharing to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. Governments and organizations automate revenue collection for efficiency and effectiveness in revenue collection and the Kenyan government is no exception. Kenya has a two-tier government comprising of the National Government and the County Governments. There are 47 county governments which receive a percentage of revenue from national government allocation and are also required to raise local revenue. However, according to the reports by the controller of Budgets, county governments have been struggling to meet the own-source revenue collection targets thus necessitating the need for this study to find out the relationship between revenue systems automation and revenue collection since numerous scholars have in different contexts evaluated the aspects of automation of revenue collection systems as a measure used by governments to maximize revenue collection. The dimension of revenue systems automation is important in explaining the revenue collection performance of county governments in Kenya and it is in this view that this study sought to establish the relationship between revenue system automation and revenue collection performance of county governments in Kenya.
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