There exists scanty empirical evidence that relates COVID-19 control measures and healthcare service delivery. Although the government of Somalia committed an estimated $5 million at the height of the pandemic as a healthcare response fund, its effects are yet to be estimated. As such, there is limited information on the extent that COVID-19-related restrictions imposed affected the delivery and operationalization of the healthcare sector. This research estimated the impact of different factors on the delivery of healthcare services in the region of Jubaland in Somalia. These factors included funding from donors, medical remittances, availability of healthcare facilities, and access to medical professionals. The study was based on two theories, namely the Agency Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). To gather data, a descriptive survey method was used, and a sample size of 185 was chosen from a population of 1850. Semi-structured questionnaires and interviews were conducted with respondents and key informants, and the collected data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential techniques. This study used descriptive statistics like percentages, means and standard deviations in summarizing and relating variables from administered questionnaires. The software enhanced data accuracy by utilizing multiple regression analysis to evaluate how COVID-19 control measures affect healthcare delivery. The qualitative data was examined through content analysis. The study concluded that the effectiveness of covid-19 control measures significantly affected the healthcare service delivery in Jubba land state of Somalia; donor funding, medical remittances, access to health facilities during the lock and access to medical professionals affected the healthcare service delivery in Jubba land state of Somalia. The study recommended improvement of the effectiveness of preventive control measures to enforce better health care service delivery.
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