• MOHAMED ABDI YUSUFF Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • DAVID M. MINJA, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Professional Development, Equity in Promotion, Employees’ Recognition, Remuneration, Retention of Health Employees


This study analyzed the effect of the rewarding variables on Employees’ retaining, and worker commitment. This research precise determination was to examine worker commitment’s intermediating role in the correlation between rewarding and worker retaining. The intention of the research was to determine the role of professional development, equity in promotion, Employees’ recognition and the role of remuneration in influencing retention of health Employees in the public sector in devolved government of Wajir. The research was anchored on Expectancy, the Two-Factor, and Hierarchy of Needs Theories. The Target population was the health Employees in all the 87 public health facilities in Wajir county. The Study research adopted descriptive research design. Primary data was collected using Self-Administered Questionnaire both open and closed ended. The study participants were sampled using stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques.10% representing12 of 119 of the total number of sampled health Employees were sampled out in the nearby hospitals from Garissa County for pilot study. The SPSS computer package was used to analyze the collected data, to examine the connections between various study Wajir County variables under investigation. The study findings established that, there was a positive significant relationship between the level of hospital, recognition, employee promotion and remuneration on one side and on other hand retention of Public Health Care Employees in Devolved Government of Wajir, Kenya. The study recommended that   devolved government ought to pay salaries on time, they need equally to review the health employees’ payment structure to ruminate with the present high cost of living. The study also recommended for the Compensation packages to match the employees job responsibilities as well as job roles. The research recommended that employee promotion be based on individual employee merit and need to be complemented by pay rise for both salaries and associated allowances. Finally, plans for recognition should be accompanied by achievement in finances and not just credentials. Also it should devise a vibrant professional growth blueprint for their health employees which should be free of biasness to accommodate needs for each health employee.

Author Biographies

MOHAMED ABDI YUSUFF, Kenyatta University, Kenya

MPPA Student, School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences

DAVID M. MINJA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration


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