Developing the competency of public servants through acquisition of knowledge and skills is essential for their effective and efficient provision of services. Acquisition of knowledge and skills improves worker competency and strengthens their capacity to deliver better services, which leads to continuing growth and development of institution. The study sought to examine the knowledge and skills management effects in enhancing service delivery among National Government Administrative Officers in Baringo County. The study was anchored on human capital theory. The target population was 100 (NGAOs) and study carried out a census because the s population was small (100). Primary data was collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires as data collecting methods. The validity of the instrument was assessed using expert opinion, and the Cronbach alpha coefficient was utilized to determine the reliability of the data-collecting instrument. Inferential and descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. The effect of the independent factor on the dependent variable was assessed using a linear regression analysis model. Descriptive results were presented in the form of tables, frequencies, and percentages. The study ensured that informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity was observed in the data collection and processing. The findings showed that the adjusted R2 was 0. 658 signifying that 65.8% of the variations in service delivery was explained by Knowledge and Skills. The study therefore concluded that Knowledge and Skills, has significance influence on service delivery among National Government Administrative Officers in Baringo County, Kenya. The study thus recommended that the government to put more emphasis on employees acquisition of Knowledge and Skills management policies since they have a great influence on service delivery of the National Government Administrative Officers.
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