• DORCAS NJERI KAMAU Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • LUCY MAWANG, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Mathematics Performance, Academic Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control


The purpose of the study was to establish if academic self-efficacy and locus of control correlates with pupils’ mathematics performance in public primary schools in Nyandarua County, Kenya. The study was guided by socio cognitive theory developed by Bandura in 1986 and Rotters’ locus of control theory developed in 1954. Correlational research design was utilized in this study. Data were collected from 8 public primary schools out of 67 schools in Kipipiri Sub-County. The study sample comprised of 320 pupils from the 8 public primary schools.  The study used purposive sampling, simple random sampling and stratified sampling. The simple random sampling was used to select the class seven pupils who participated in the study. Self-efficacy for learning and performance subscale (MSLQ) and academic locus of control scale were used for data collection. Mathematics performances data were obtained from pupils’ mid and end of term two 2022 examination scores. A pilot study was conducted in two public primary schools in Kipipiri Sub-County involving 35 pupils to establish the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Demographic data were analysed using appropriate descriptive statistics. Academic self-efficacy, locus of control and mathematics performance was analysed using inferential statistics. The study findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between academic self-efficacy and pupils’ mathematics performance, r (314) =.61, p =.00. Further, there was a positive and significant relationship between external locus of control and pupils’ mathematics performance, r (209) = .49, p = .00. The study also found a positive and significant relationship between internal locus of control and mathematics performance, r (101) = .646, p = .00. The results of one-way ANOVA test indicated that locus of control and academic self-efficacy can be used to significantly predict mathematics performance among pupils. The study recommended that parents, teachers, and other education stakeholders should work together and come up with guidance programs that will guide students in developing greater academic self-efficacy and locus of control for improved mathematics performance.

Author Biographies

DORCAS NJERI KAMAU, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Masters Student

LUCY MAWANG, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology


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