• NICODEMUS NJOROGE KIRIMA Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • JANE NJOROGE, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Feasibility Studies, Problem Analysis, Objective Analysis, Infrastructure Development


This study established the effects of project identification mechanism on performance of road infrastructure development projects in Kenya.  The study was anchored on the Theory of Constraints. The study applied a mixed method approach to collect data from the target population of 199 spread out among 15 road infrastructure development projects in the country. The study utilized both primary and secondary data sources and adopted a combination of descriptive survey research design and explanatory design. For primary data collection, both closed and open-ended questionnaire were used.  The questionnaire’s reliability was tested through the use of the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient. The study also made use of a structured interview process to get more insights on the research questions. The study mainly made use of descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics and specifically the Multi linear regression were used to test hypothesis. The analysis made use of statistical packages to analyse data and these were presented in the form of tables and figures.  The study found that project identification had a positive and significant influence on the performance of road projects in Kenya. The study concluded that project identification ensures that a project submitted for project approval is adequately designed and analysed within the project context. The study recommended that it was important to identify the problem to be dealt with concerning the project, the stakeholder to be involved, outline the project goals that are to be achieved and all the relevant project tasks crucial in achieving the results of the project.

Author Biographies

NICODEMUS NJOROGE KIRIMA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

PhD Candidate (Public Policy and Management) School of Humanities and Social Studies


Professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration

JANE NJOROGE, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration


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