• JUDY MAINA Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • JANE NJOROGE, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Corporate Image, Rebranding, Organization Performance


In today’s Public Sector, branding and re-branding are crucial, unlike in previous years where it did not matter. Organizations worldwide have to come up with strategies to improve their day-to-day ways of doing things to improve organizational performance. Emerging trends have come up and taken over the old way of doing things and this has positively affected the level of performance in the public service and has brought about the rise in positive change. The public sector has been challenged to come up with efficient service delivery to bring customer satisfaction. It has not been left behind as the world becomes a global village. Restoring customer confidence and being more customer-focused is now emerging as a major priority. The government over a long time has had a distorted image in the way it performed. The study examined corporate image as a re-branding practice in enhancing organizational performance of the Kenyan Public Procurement Authority. A descriptive study research design was used. The target population was 10 top-level managers, 13 middle-level managers, and 73 staff of different cadres at PPRA, Kenya, and 30 external customers.  The purposive sampling technique was used where a sample of 4 Directors, 6 Deputy Directors, 20 officers PPRA Kenya employees, and 15 external customers were chosen. Pilot testing was used to check the reliability of the tools that were used. The study found that corporate image has a statistically positive relationship with the performance at PPRA. As the corporate image improves, the performance of the organization improves and vice versa. The study recommends that PPRA should do regular evaluations of the corporate image to enable it to make improvements. Customers also should be involved in rebranding to enable them to own and support the brand. 

Author Biographies

JUDY MAINA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Masters Candidate, Department of Public Policy and Administration student, Kenyatta University, Kenya

JANE NJOROGE, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration lecturer, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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