• BEN KIOGORA Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • WELDON NGENO, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Establishing Service Standards, Customer Satisfaction, Kenya Revenue Authority


There has been a growing concern among the public regarding the government's inability to provide reliable services, leading to customer dissatisfaction. Although the measurement of customer satisfaction has been the topic of numerous studies in the commercial sector, more research is required in the public sector. In order to reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, maintain good governance, and enhance service quality for better service delivery, this study examines the effect of establishing service standards on customer satisfaction within the Kenya Revenue Authority and the Customs and Border Control Department. This study adopted a descriptive research design to characterize traits of customers who have received services from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Customs Systems. The study targeted clearing agents, importers, exporters, and transporters who interacts frequently with KRA Customs Systems. A disproportionate stratified sampling technique was employed to ensure representative sampling across various subgroups. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire featuring both closed and open-ended questions, facilitating detailed and comprehensive data collection. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze demographic data and assess the impact of business process performance (BPP) on customer satisfaction (CS), while inferential statistics were employed to draw conclusions and test hypotheses regarding the relationships between customer satisfaction and the establishment of service standards. The study concluded that there exists a positive, significant, and strong relationship between setting service standards and customer satisfaction within the organization.

Author Biographies

BEN KIOGORA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Master Student, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya

WELDON NGENO, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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