• RUTH W. MUNYAKA Master Student, Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • JANE NJOROGE, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Affairs, Service Delivery


Public trust in businesses has been shattered by the collapse of once-highflying enterprises, which affected tens of thousands of workers and investors and generated numerous concerns about corporate practices and trustworthiness. This study1therefore investigated the efficacy of corporate affairs function on service delivery of organizations: A case of1Kenya Railways. The study objective1was to examine the influence of corporate1social responsibility1on the service delivery by Kenya Railways, The study1was based on stakeholder1theory and relational and agency theories. A1descriptive research design1was1adopted. The1population targeted in this study was 324 respondents including staff at the corporate affairs division of Kenya Railways Corporation and premium clients. The sample1size was 286 respondents. Stratified and1simple random sampling1was used. A questionnaire was the main instrument. A pilot1study was conducted1to assess the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Both qualitative and quantitative data were1collected for1this study, and both approaches to data1analysis were employed. The quantitative1data was analyzed1using descriptive1statistics, such as1frequencies, percentages, means, and1standard deviations, utilizing SPSS (Version 27.0). Inferential statistics were also performed through regression modeling. The findings from the quantitative analysis were1presented primarily in tables. On1the other hand, the1qualitative data was evaluated using content analysis, aiming to identify recurring themes that align with the study’s objectives. These themes provided1a deeper1understanding of the qualitative data collected. The study1findings indicated that1there was a statistically1significant positive correlation1between corporate social responsibility on service delivery of KRC (r=10.411; p1<0.05) The study1concluded incorporating CSR principles into service delivery processes can also help mitigate certain risks associated with social or environmental issues and effectively handling crises can mitigate the negative impacts on both the organization’s reputation and its financial performance. The study recommended that KRC prioritize a holistic approach to organizational management that integrates corporate social1responsibility (CSR) management1into its service delivery processes.

Author Biography

JANE NJOROGE, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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