• FLORAH MULATYA Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • WILSON MUNA, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • HEATHER KIPCHUMBA, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Teacher Capacity Building, Learner Outcomes, Professional Development, Educational Success, Makueni County


In a competitive world with varying degrees of complexity in social, economic and cultural needs of our society, the need to deliver a competitive, effective and relevant education system remains a pressing obligation for both policymakers and bureaucrats. Existing research on the effects of implementation of the National Curriculum Policy of 2018 on learning outcomes remain inconclusive. In view of this, the study was carried out with the aim of determining the effect of teacher capacity building on learners’ outcome in Makueni County. The study was anchored on Street-Level Bureaucracy framework. Descriptive survey research design was preferred for this study.  Interpretivist philosophical paradigm informed the study. A total of 903 Grade 6 teachers from public primary schools in Makueni, 903 class 6 PTA representatives, 903 chairpersons of public primary schools’ Boards of Management, 41 Curriculum Support Officers, and 9 sub-county directors of education were targeted. A total of 349 respondents were sampled representing the subgroups in the target group. Primary data was gathered from the field by use of a semi structured questionnaire and an interview guide. Quantitative data underwent descriptive, regression, and inferential analyses, whereas qualitative data was subjected to thematic analysis. The study revealed that teacher capacity building significantly influences learners' outcomes in Makueni County, with 40.9% of the variation in outcomes attributable to this factor. The findings also highlighted widespread dissatisfaction among teachers with current capacity-building initiatives, including skill development, seminars, mentorship, and in-service training, pointing to areas for urgent improvement. Furthermore, the study found a positive and statistically significant relationship between teacher capacity building efforts and learner outcomes (β=0.628, p<0.001). The study therefore recommends that management should revamp professional development programs which should include focus on practical, hands-on training, mentorship programs, and exposure to innovative teaching methodologies.

Author Biographies

FLORAH MULATYA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

PhD Student, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya

WILSON MUNA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya

HEATHER KIPCHUMBA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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