• CYNTHIA AKOYI GODIA Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • WILSON MUNA, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Security Management, Nyumba Kumi Administration Structures


The study evaluated the effect of Nyumba Kumi coordination structures on security management in Nyandarua County, Kenya. It was guided by normative sponsorship theory. The study was conducted under the descriptive survey design in Nyandarua North sub-county of Nyandarua County utilizing a hybrid technique including both quantitative and qualitative investigation techniques. The intended audience for this research included Nyumba Kumi seniors, law enforcement personnel in charge of posts in Nyandarua North Sub County, and State Government Administration Executives. Participants were chosen by stratification randomized selection. Therefore, the target population comprised 699 Nyumba Kumi elders in 23 sub-locations in Nyandarua North Sub County, three officers commanding police stations, 3 Assistant County Commissioners, and 8 Chiefs of National Government Administrative Officers. Thematic evaluation was used to evaluate qualitative data, and the findings were conveyed narratively. Empirical and interpretive analytics were used to assess quantitative data. The outcomes are then shown in tables and graphics like bar charts and pie diagrams. The study highlighted that 94% of participants were aware of community policing structures like Nyumba Kumi, indicating their significance and acceptance. It also emphasized the importance of coordination structures in security management. Key informant interviews highlighted the pivotal role of Chiefs and the benefits of collaborative decision-making. Community-driven hiring practices were commended, but challenges included resource limitations, trust issues, and insufficient youth engagement. Based on these findings, several recommendations are made: intensify sensitization programs for full community engagement, enhance the recruitment and training of community policing volunteers and encourage transparent and collaborative decision-making. These recommendations aim to enhance security management and community-police interactions in Nyandarua North sub-county.


Author Biographies

CYNTHIA AKOYI GODIA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

MPPA Student, School Of Law, Arts, and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya

WILSON MUNA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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