The North Rift Region of Kenya which includes West Pokot County has for a long-time experienced incidences of insecurity brought about by pastoralist militias. Therefore, the Kenyan government has adopted multi-agency security management approach to control the menace. A study conducted at West Pokot County examined the relationship between the multi-agency approach and security management. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the following: multi-agency institutions’ involvement in security management, multi-agency security command structure and coordination of security formations, challenges faced by multi-agency security personnel, and mechanisms of improving multi-agency security management approaches in the County. The study which was a descriptive survey in design was guided by the Systems Theory, and Securitization Theory. The study participants included security personnel from the Military, National Police Service, National Intelligence Service, Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, Chiefs and their assistant, and the village leaders. The sample size comprised of 302 respondents drawn from the Military, National Police Service, and National Intelligence Service. On the challenges faced in multi-agency security management in West Pokot County, 72% of the respondents indicated that lack of adequate resources and equipment was a serious problem, 75% inadequate technical capacity, and 54% lack of a unified framework in security management which sometimes leads to clashes among the teams. The study recommends that community policing should be brought to the centre of multiagency approaches to security management as this will help in creating synergy between the multiagency security teams and civilians, and prior to commencement of the multiagency security operations, a thorough assessment of the needs of the security teams in terms of equipment and resources should be done in order to ensure that they are motivated enough to carry out the security operation successfully. This paper presents the study findings on multi-agency security institutions’ involvement in West Pokot, the challenges faced by the personnel, and the mechanisms of improving multi-agency security engagement in the county.
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