Service delivery in the National Police Service (NPS) is pegged on police reforms that have been prioritized by the government over the last decade to streamline the police operations and its mandate. Despite these reforms, service delivery in the NPS has continuously been ineffective and inefficient as indicated in the Ransely report of 2009. These reforms have harmonized pay benefits and placed strategies that aim to upgrade service delivery in the National Police Service (NPS). The Kenya Police Service (KPS) and Administration Police Service (APS) that make the National Police Service (NPS) was a recommendation in the Ransely report on police reforms and their aim was to improve their service delivery, produce a people centered police service and attain professionalism. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of salaries, fringe benefits and allowances on delivery of service in the NPS. Descriptive research design was used in this study, based on the Institutional Theory and the Goal Model. 1688 police officers were targeted and drawn from the different groups: Non-Commissioned Officers, Constables and Gazetted Officers all from Narok County, Kenya. 167 police officers were selected from the three categories using stratified random mode of sampling. To obtain data from the respective strata or categories, randomized sampling was used. Questionnaires were dropped to get data from the selected categories. Information collected was organized, put together and finally analysis was done through descriptive statistics for summarization of data, and then inferential statistics was used purposely for establishing any form of link among the variables. The Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 aided in this. Data was thereafter illustrated in tables and charts. Findings of this research deduced that there was a strong effect of compensation types on service delivery in the NPS with reference to Narok County, Kenya. The study found out that at 95% confidence level, salaries had positive and significant relationship with service delivery in the NPS in Narok County, Kenya at 0.373 and p = 0.000 <0.05. Additionally, outcomes manifested that police allowances and fringe benefits had positive and significant relationship with service delivery in the NPS with reference to Narok County, Kenya at 0.488 and p = 0.000<0.05, and 0.564 and p = 0.000<0.05 in that order. For policy implication, the work asks that NPS should improve staff salaries based on sufficiency, proper structuring and timely review consumerate to international standards and market rates; grant police officers enough allowances; and procure effective and efficient medical and life covers for police officers to improve their service delivery.
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