The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of public participation on budget implementation in the devolved government in Kenya taking a case of Garissa County. Specifically, the study looked at the effect of public education, public input, public partnership and public interaction on budget implementation in the devolved government in Kenya taking a case of Garissa County. The study adopted descriptive research design. A total of 69 respondents were targeted by the study, which included ward and Sub County administrators and CECs. Since the study intended to use primary data, the main source of research instruments was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was structured to have closed questions. SPSS software (V.24) was used to analyze the quantitative data which produced descriptive and inferential statistics. These findings led to the conclusion that conducting public education, awareness creation, publicity and joint workshops to a high extent is associated with a significant improvement on budget implementation in the county governments in Kenya. The study also concluded that continued adoption of public inputs through opinion surveys to gather citizen’s opinions on resource allocation as well as on the most pressing projects that need financing, public forums to engage the citizens and online information sharing platforms is associated with a significant improvement on budget implementation in the county government’s offices in Kenya. The findings in the study led to enhancing public partnerships through involvement of the citizens in planning for various projects to be financed as well as in management of various resources in the county, securing public consent before engaging in some decisions which may affect the citizens. There is need for the county leaderships in Kenya to ensure adoption of the requirement on public participation through enhanced public education so as to improve the budget implementation process. There is also a need for the county leaderships in Kenya to ensure adoption of the requirement on public participation through enhanced public input so as to improve the budget implementation process. The study recommended that there need for the county leaderships in Kenya to ensure adoption of the requirement on public participation through enhanced public partnerships so as to improve the budget implementation process.
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