The e-visa regime is a relatively new phenomenon globally, and little evidence exists that demonstrate its effectiveness on processing of travelers at boarder points. The purpose of this project therefore was to study the effects of e-visa regime, particularly the application requirements, means of payment, clearance time and adoption of technology on processing of travelers. The study was guided predominantly by the Technology Adoption Model, and complemented by Theory of Planned Behavior and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Two of the busiest border posts in Kenya were randomly selected, these are, Busia and Malaba along the Kenya-Uganda boarder. The target population comprised 700 inbound travelers at the Busia and 100 outbound travelers at the Malaba border post. It also comprised 50 immigration officers on the Kenyan side of the border. Hence the target population was 850 respondents. A sample size of 170 was then derived from the target population; this was 20% of the target population. Data was collected mainly by use of semi-structured questionnaires among the travellers, and interview schedules among the immigration officers. A pilot study was conducted at the Namanga border post to determine the validity and reliability of the data collection tool, and improve on gaps identified. The data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the study variables. Quantitative data was presented using frequency tables, percentages, bar graphs and pie charts while thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data where data was coded into themes for interpretation and analysis. In order to address ethical considerations, letters of authorization to undertake this research was sought from Kenyatta University, the National Council for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), as well as from the relevant National and County government authorities in Busia County. The researcher sought informed consent, while observing objectivity, confidentiality and anonymity. The study concluded that the adoption of e-visa, in terms of clearance time, application information, means of payment, and technological adoption significantly influenced the visa processing at the border points of Malaba and Busia. The study recommended continued capacity building and creation of awareness on the e-visa influenced the processing of travellers at the Malaba and Busia border.
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