• MARY AUMA JUMA Masters of Science Student, Nursing (Critical Care), Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • TALASO BARAKO, PhD Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Preclinical Sciences, School of Nursing Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • LUCY MENG’ANYI PhD Candidate, Nursing Sciences (Critical Care), MScN (Critical Care) BScN
Keywords: Critical Care, Nurse Characteristics, Health Care


This study was carried out to determine the utilization of research for evidence-based practice among nurses in the main critical care unit, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi County. A quantitative cross-sectional study design was used to determine level of utilization of research among nurses in main CCU, relationship between research utilization and nurse characteristics and to determine the facilitators and barriers to research utilization among nurses in main CCU at KNH.  Convenience sampling technique was used to select participants because of the different shifts and workload. A sample size of 82 nurses was used and a self-administered questionnaire. Data was coded into electronic form using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 28.0. Analysis of data was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics.  Level of significance was evaluated at p<0.05. The findings showed that, 35.4% (n =29) of the respondents had utilized the findings of the studies they read from the websites. Age (>40 years) (AOR =6.11, 95%CI:4.38 – 17.11, p<0.001), MScN educational qualification (AOR=5.55, 95%CI:1.86 – 19.22, p=0.025), trained in computer packages (AOR=9.81, 95%CI:2.26 – 25.11, p =0.012) and high level of awareness on research (AOR=14.75, 95%CI:1.88 – 55.46, p=0.010) were significantly associated with utilization of research for evidence-based practice. 50% (n =41) of the respondents disagreed that nurses have access to research evidence, 68.3% (n =56) of the respondents disagreed with the statement that nurses have enough training on research while 64.6% (n =53) were unsure on whether research agents are needed to spearhead research utilization. Major barriers to research utilization were 78% (n =64) of the respondents cited lack of resources, 64.6% (n =53) cited resistance to change and 54.9% (n =45) stated that negative attitude among care providers were major barriers to research utilization. The findings showed that the practice of research utilization in nursing is poor hence the need for multi-disciplinary integration to help improve the level of awareness as well as improve overall understanding of nurses on the importance of research in clinical practice.

Author Biographies

MARY AUMA JUMA, Masters of Science Student, Nursing (Critical Care), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Masters of Science Student, Nursing (Critical Care), Kenyatta University, Kenya

TALASO BARAKO, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Preclinical Sciences, School of Nursing Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Preclinical Sciences, School of Nursing Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya

LUCY MENG’ANYI, PhD Candidate, Nursing Sciences (Critical Care), MScN (Critical Care) BScN

PhD Candidate, Nursing Sciences (Critical Care), MScN (Critical Care) BScN

Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Preclinical Sciences, School of Nursing Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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